Download New Adobe CC Trials – Direct Links to installers

If you subscribe to Adobe CC (Creative Cloud – henceforward the only way to get the new versions of the Adobe software), you already know that your software must be downloaded via the Adobe Manager/Assistant to install it, and no installers remain on your system. If you need to reinstall, you must download again.

Well, has created a page with direct download links to all the CC Trial versions – which can be used to install/reinstall the software, and activate using your CC account. Great resource!

Creative Cloud Backlash

SO many people are responding negatively to Adobe’s recent announcement of their sole offering of a cloud based Creative Cloud subscription that I’m seeing dozens of posts on the subject. The article below offers some links to follow the discussion (read: Rebellion), and a link to a petition to sign, if you find a life-long payment plan is not for you!

Okay Adobe Users – Get Ready for the CLOUD!

Today, the Adobe MAX conference started with it’s keynote address, introducing the fact that Adobe will no longer be offering the Creative Suite as stand-alone software, but instead will move to Cloud distribution for all it’s products. There will be no CS7, but rather a CC version (Creative Cloud). has a good article introducing what was said:

Keep an eye peeled on this. It seems to be causing quite an uproar!

Adobe Offers CS2 FREE

Last week, Adobe did something unprecedented for them. They set up a website from which you can download any or ALL of the the Adobe CS2 Creative Suite for Windows and/or Mac. The site includes valid serial numbers, and is a valid Adobe site.

Just so you know, these programs may not run on your newest computer or operating system. Here’re the Adobe CS2 System Requirements:

  • Mac OS X v.10.2.8–v.10.3.8. PowerPC® G4 or G5 processor
  • Microsoft® Windows® 2000/Windows XP. Intel® Pentium® III or 4 processor

If you can use these programs, you can snag them here:

No telling how long Adobe’s going to keep this page up, so get it while you can!

Who says you don’t get Nuthin’ for Nuthin’?

OnOne Software, one of the premiere Photoshop Plug-In makers is offering an EXCELLENT FREE version of their Photographic Effects Plugin software for Photoshop. On the same page, they also offer several presets for Lightroom, Aperture, and Camera Raw.

This is FREE, people! And the effects and interface are very flexible and very cool!

Check them out at

40% Discount for the CS6 Creative Cloud Ends SOON!

According to John Nack’s blog (the Adobe Evangelist and Blogger) If you own a CS3 or later Adobe app, you can subscribe to Creative Cloud & get all the CS6 apps, 20GB of storage, and more at a huge discount ($29.99/month instead of $49/month in the US)–but note that the offer ends August 31st.

Check it out:

Adobe® Creative Suite® CS6 Released

I just received this announcement. Not only are there links to purchase the software, but also some information on upgrade pricing and date limitations. Take a look!
NEWS: Adobe® Creative Suite® 6 is Now Shipping 

Two weeks after its official introduction, Adobe this morning has released Creative Suite 6 in twelve languages, with major upgrades across the product line…  

All CS6 suites and individual tools are available immediately for Windows and Mac, with delivery via boxed shipment or instant download.  Discounted upgrades are offered from earlier versions, including CS3 and CS4 until the end of the year.

One big change: Starting with CS6, upgrades are only available direct from Adobe in most major geographies.

The company has also released all CS6 free trials for download and installation.  These trials are fully-functional and will work side-by-side with any previous version(s) of the Creative Suite, including CS5 and CS5.5.  We’ve got a complete list of trial direct download links for easy access. 

The CS6 Student & Teacher Editions are now shipping as well.  These offer up to 80% off the regular prices for education customers including students, teachers, and staff. 


Adobe has Announced a CS6 Promotion


Today, I got an email from a rep from, one of my vendors. Her message states:
Adobe has a current promotion with the release of  CS6. Adobe is giving a free copy of CS6 to anyone that purchases CS 5.5 now until May 6! Please see attached promotion and contact me today for pricing!

Here’s her contact info:

Shelly Bishop | HigherEd Sales-Digital River Education Services, Inc. | |
Office: 800.876.3507 x12513 | Mobile: 214-907-7310 | Fax: 972.481.2100
Digital River, Inc | 5212 Tennyson Pkwy Suite 130 Plano, TX 75024



Making Green Beer for St. Patrick’s Day – In Photoshop

Last year, I made a tutorial on how to use Adjustment layers and masks to Create Green Beer for St. Patrick’s Day.

I thought this would be a good time to pull that one out again! Check it out at: