10 Very Cool Effects for CSS and CSS3

Okay, I’ve already admitted that I don’t like hand-coding websites, and prefer to use WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) visually oriented Web design software like Dreamweaver, Flux, or some others. However, sometimes we HAVE to get into the code. CSS3 is a growing technology that enables web pages to do a lot of designer-y things they couldn’t do before.

This article explains why you may want to use these techniques, and how to implement them. Nicely done, WebDesignerDepot.com!


Awesome HTML 5 Cheatsheets!

The hosting company who hosts all my websites (www.inmotionhosting.com) has posted a wonderful set of HTML 5 Cheatsheets! There’s one for Tags, One for Event Handler Attributes, and one for Browser Support.
Now, I know their images are TOO big to view clearly on my layout, so, to download them, go to http://www.inmotionhosting.com/infographics/html5-cheat-sheet/?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=infographics&utm_medium=InMotionHosting
HTML5 Cheat Sheet - Tags

HTML5 Cheat Sheet By InMotion Hosting – A Virtual Private Servers Provider

HTML5 Cheat Sheet - Event Handler Attributes

HTML5 Cheat Sheet By InMotion Hosting – A Web Hosting Provider

HTML5 Cheat Sheet - Browser Support

HTML5 Cheat Sheet By InMotion Hosting – A Dedicated Server Provider