Any Tutorial Suggestions?

Seeking ideas for any new video or PDF tutorials that may be of interest to the people reading our posts. Is there anything you guys want to learn? It can be on any of the subjects listed on our website’s homepage (, and I’m certainly open to any other ideas you may have. Please keep in mind the time limit on YouTube is 15 minutes, so please try to choose something that can be explained in a short video – or two.

Any ideas, people???

Making Selections with the Pen Tool in Photoshop

From, a clear (if not lengthy) tutorial on using the insanely powerful pen tool.

Don’t fear the Pen Tool!!!

If you find it too complicated, let me know, and I’ll make a little video tutorial or two to ease it up a bit.

Great Black and White in Photoshop

I’m often asked how to turn a color photograph into a Black & White image. Some people use the Black & White setting on their digital camera (and some use Tri-X film – often using manual filters!). The problem with traditional Black and White settings is that the resulting images lack dynamics, but with Photoshop, we can control the dynamics and contrast in an image, with a lot of power and ease.

In this Tutorial, you’ll learn about the power of the Black and White Adjustment Layer, and how do perform some cool special effects using this very simple and powerful tool.