Tutorial by Dave Cross on reducing Gradient Banding

Gradient banding is the effect in which the transition lines in a gradient are too visible. For Photoshop, this is more often an issue for onscreen images than it is in print (it’s rather the opposite in Illustrator)

on KelbyTV (one of my favorite places) Dave Cross has a very interesting tutorial on some anti-banding techniques.

You can watch the video here:


2 Great CSS links from Adobe

Adobe’s posted a couple of great articles on using Dreamweaver for styling your websites using CSS:

The first article (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/css-selectors-pt1.html) is an excellent lesson on CSS Essentials.

The second article (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/css-selectors-pt2.html) has some REALLY helpful information on what kind of power controls are in CSS3. WOW! CSS is getting stronger and Stronger.

And, with Dreamweaver, we don’t really have to hand-code any of it!

Adobe Releases CS5/5.5 Printing Guide

This FREE guide offers excellent technical information regarding the Acrobat X Printing options, as well as technical details and tips for printing from Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign – and how to make the various programs “play nicely” together when printing.

Did I mention it’s FREE?


New After Effects Plugin for Motion Graphics Students – Big Discount

This cool After Effects plugin seems to work a lot like the Color Guide in Adobe Illustrator, but on footage! Looks like it can work a charm for those of you who need to come up with great color combinations for Motion Graphics projects, without struggling with color theory. The first 500 orders get a very respectable discount:


Amazon Friday Deal – PDF Converter for Mac

For those of you who need to work with PDF’s on your Mac, but don’t want to plunk down a fortune to Adobe for the full control of Acrobat, this is a very viable alternative, and on sale today and tomorrow at 40% off. Check it out.
