InDesign Templates – FREE Download

One of the big complaints about InDesign CS5.5 – with all it’s hoo-ha about being so great for developing materials for the broadening range of devices – was that Adobe’d stopped shipping it with all the Templates they used to include!

Pre-created Templates are great for  deconstructing and developing personal, creative designs without starting from scratch.

Today, has posted links to bunches of the original templates (they’ve used CS4’s versions) for free download. SO nice not to have to hand-make the CD label template again!  

Adobe Premiere’s Now a very Viable Alternative to FCPX

Another article – well-written. I’ve been saying for a while that Premiere is no longer the “red-headed stepchild” of editing software, and I’ve been teaching it for a while now. I’m finding quite a few people switching, and this article, by a long-time user of Final Cut Studio for some time, will help explain why.

Yeah – it’s not perfect – but with no access to FCP Studio 3 anymore – and having this come with the Adobe CS5.5 Suite – it sure can work! This also compares Premiere (in part) to Avid. 

Tutorial by Dave Cross on reducing Gradient Banding

Gradient banding is the effect in which the transition lines in a gradient are too visible. For Photoshop, this is more often an issue for onscreen images than it is in print (it’s rather the opposite in Illustrator)

on KelbyTV (one of my favorite places) Dave Cross has a very interesting tutorial on some anti-banding techniques.

You can watch the video here:

2 Great CSS links from Adobe

Adobe’s posted a couple of great articles on using Dreamweaver for styling your websites using CSS:

The first article ( is an excellent lesson on CSS Essentials.

The second article ( has some REALLY helpful information on what kind of power controls are in CSS3. WOW! CSS is getting stronger and Stronger.

And, with Dreamweaver, we don’t really have to hand-code any of it!