View some Questions and Answers

Merchant Circle is an online business listing resource. Here, you may find some special coupons and offers we may post, and some other information about our services.

You can view our Merchant Circle listing at:

But, more interestingly, Merchant Circle also has a community question/answer posting area. I respond to many of the questions posted, and perhaps some of those answers will apply to you? To view a list of questions that AYM 4 Training has answered, please visit:

Using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) in Emails

This was posted to YouTube well before the blog came live, but it’s the first of the tutorials. It addresses that issue so many people have, in which bulk emails display the email address of every person who received them. Find out how to avoid that.

If you visit the YouTube Page, you’ll find a list of links to view the parts of the video that apply to your specific email software.

For more tutorials, please visit our YouTube Channel at

Welcome to AYM 4 Training’s New Blog

FINALLY! The Blog is up and running!

I want to encourage you to post questions, and comment on the Tutorials and Reviews you see on this site. Any suggestions, or ideas of what you’d like to see, please don’t hesitate to put that suggestion here, and I’ll address them as quickly as possible.

Don’t forget to visit the AYM 4 Training Home and site, for information on available classes.